Wednesday 22 June 2011

robert capa

.he was with the soldiers
.he was well known before he took this photo
.he had risked his life on more than one occasion 
.he had taken photos in the spanish civil war aswell
.he was known to say "If your pictures aren't good enough, you aren't close enough." 
.his landing craft mistakenly came ashore at the section of Omaha Beach
. when he was taking a photo someone mistook it for hesitation so he was kicked of of the boat
.he ended up becoming to scared that he ran away back to a boat that had just come ashore 
.He had used three rolls of film and exposed 106 frames.
.after he got back to England he went to London to develop them as fast as he could 

Louis-Jacques-Mande Daguerre

. he was one of the most famous people that had created photography 
. he first began work as an apprentice in architect
. at the age of 16 he was an assistant stage designer in Paris

Tuesday 14 June 2011

i chose to do an illustration of ash ketchum in a forest because this part of satoshi's history striked me as very important as this part of his history was the inspiration for his most popular game 'pokemon'

I portrayed satoshi as 'ash ketchum' because satoshi actually based ash on himself as a young child and in the Japanese version ash is also called satoshi.

when satoshi was young he had a big obsession with hunting bugs. he wanted to become a entomologist. this had helped inspire his later games for example pokemon. this is why i drew him in a forest with bugs around him. i wanted to portray his past but as visually attractive as possible so i thought that the best time to make this setting in is at night because i could use fire flies to show bugs and this made the picture more interesting.
i think that i should have worked on the pose of satoshi a bit more as the position of his head and neck doesn't look quite right. he was ment to be looking upwards at the bugs but this didn't quite work out      

in this second picture i was trying to represent another important part of
satoshi's life .

i had decide to draw the second design of ash ketchum because in the anime series that was created ash had different clothes for when he was growing up.
so in this picture i gave him the next design up from the first pictures design because
i wanted to show that he had grown up.

this part of his life was an important part as when he fist became interested
in games when he was a teenager. this was then the time when he first
became interested in games and started to design them from her onwards

the outcome of this picture was good but not as good as it could have been if i had spent more time on the background of this picture. i had made him be sitting at home because it was said that he used to skip school to play games. so when thinking of skipping school i always think of someone pretending to be ill. and that is the reason as to why he is at home. if i had more time then i would have drawn ash/ satoshi in a arcade instead.   

Sunday 22 May 2011

Satoshi Tajiri

for this project i have decided to do some illustrations that depict parts of satoshi's life.
satoshi was the man that had created the well known Pokemon.
when he was a young child he used to go hunting and looking for bugs. this inspired the creation of Pokemon because he wanted to give other children the experience of hunting and finding creatures. he originally wanted to become a entomologist. but unfortunetly as more of the urban areas of japan got paved over then the places for him to search for bugs dissapeared.
satishi made pokemon and based that main character well known as ash on himself as a child.
after discovering this i had decide that i will create my first picture of him as a child going bug hunting. i will also draw satoshi as ash ketchum as he was made to be a younger vertion of satoshi.
this is the first sketch of the first picture of satoshi as a child. i have drawn in my style instead of 
drawing in the pokemon style.
i started drawing in the background. at this stage im just testing out colours


Wednesday 23 March 2011


 Tetsuya Nomura is the character designer for square enix. he created characters for final fantasy and for other games like kingdom hearts, the world ends with you, and allot more. 
he also designs the plot of some of the games he has made, he has done concept design for some games.

he first started working for square enix in the early 1990's  as a debugger for final fantasy VI. after that he whent on to being a monster designer for final fantasy V. he then became a graphic director and minor character designer for final fantasy VI 

his most known work was in 1995 when square enix asked him to be the character designer for final fantasy VII. he then went on to doing character designing for many other well known games. 

the way in which he has done interdisciplinary work is the fact that he usually works on character designing for games. but he has also worked as a director for a film in 2005. the film was based on one of the stories of a previous game he had worked on

Wednesday 9 February 2011

satoru takizawa

as a child he was never really interested in games and the only time he had ever played games was when he had gone around a friends house.he was more interested in creating comics and once he had finished one he would pass it around his class. in college he would create cg affects for his friends projects but he was still not interested in games   

satoru takizawa is a character designer for various Nintendo games, he has designed the enemies for some of the games such as legend of zelda and Mario,
his first project was to design the logo for the SNES game super mario world 2: yoshi's island 
when the Nintendo 64 was released. Nintendo needed allot of people for 3d design so they turned to Takizawa. as he had worked on 3d design before coming to the company. his first characters that he had designed were two of the enemies for supper mairo 64.
he was then also creating characters for star fox 64 but he was not only designing the bisses but he was also creating some of the landscapes as well.
one of his most important tasks was creating Ganondorf  and other enemies in the game ledgend of zelda: ocarina of time.
when designing one of the bosses for ocarina of time ; Twinrova, he said that it was the most dificult as the scenario the writer made the scenes with the characters funny, and he was afraid that he couldn't live up to that standard. but they liked the design and added it to the game. he also found that designing a cell shaded moblin was also hard to create 

when he was asked to design the ganondorf for one of the ledgend of zelda games. his first idea was to make him like a twisted thief with a complex. but the design team didn't like this idea and wanted him to be a good guy at first. so Takizawa had to re design him. he had designed three forms for ganondorf.

Wednesday 26 January 2011

comic/ graphic novels

TAKERU: OPERA SUSANOH: SWORD OF THE DEVIL :  the style of this graphic novel is very close to a realistic style with the body proportions and eyes e.c.t but it is a little strange as they have made the hands a little bit bigger than normal proportions 
this novel is about a mystical sword that was sealed away because it was really powerful.
this book's setting is like the old traditional Japan with samurai and boat travel. but the world that its set in doesn't seam to be in our world as there are new countries that don't exist in our world. 

Wednesday 12 January 2011

tales of the abyss review

today I'm reviewing the anime tales of the abyss. this anime was based on a video game with the same tittle.
there are a few other games in the 'the tales of' series but only this and one other game was created into a anime.
it was jointly produced by Bandai visual, Nacomco and Sunrise. it was made up of 26 episodes that told the story of the game. 
the 'tales of the abyss' was situated in a completely new world to ours were magic and mythical creature are seen as normal. the story line is typical to normal fantasy genre games. when the main character has a hidden past and then they meet other members which are all linked to the main characters hidden past, then the world is in danger and then, they save it.

some of the ways this anime was let down was because they tried to cram a hole game into 26 episodes so it felt a little rushed, also because of the short time some of the characters past weren't explained well so it was all confusing as to who was connected and did what to the other characters. 

even though it had a typical plot were the world was in danger and then they save the world, the way in which they did it was very interesting and because of the fact that something was always happening so it kept my attention.
there wasn't any filler episodes so the story wasn't changed. 

the characters in this anime/game were good. because personal i didn't find any of them annoying. like for example in some other animes the female charcter never fought and was always getting into trouble. but in 'tales of the abyss' one of the female characters was nearly dying but she would still fight.
all the characters had a interesting past and personality.
i also liked the way in which they made the main character act arrogant at the beginning of the anime but then make him change into a better person, as normally in other animes/games  the main character is always portrayed as a good person that hasn't done anything wrong

overall i think that the storyline is interesting, the characters are lovable and believable. but the story was rushed as they tried to cram it into only 26 episodes