Wednesday 22 June 2011

robert capa

.he was with the soldiers
.he was well known before he took this photo
.he had risked his life on more than one occasion 
.he had taken photos in the spanish civil war aswell
.he was known to say "If your pictures aren't good enough, you aren't close enough." 
.his landing craft mistakenly came ashore at the section of Omaha Beach
. when he was taking a photo someone mistook it for hesitation so he was kicked of of the boat
.he ended up becoming to scared that he ran away back to a boat that had just come ashore 
.He had used three rolls of film and exposed 106 frames.
.after he got back to England he went to London to develop them as fast as he could 

Louis-Jacques-Mande Daguerre

. he was one of the most famous people that had created photography 
. he first began work as an apprentice in architect
. at the age of 16 he was an assistant stage designer in Paris

Tuesday 14 June 2011

i chose to do an illustration of ash ketchum in a forest because this part of satoshi's history striked me as very important as this part of his history was the inspiration for his most popular game 'pokemon'

I portrayed satoshi as 'ash ketchum' because satoshi actually based ash on himself as a young child and in the Japanese version ash is also called satoshi.

when satoshi was young he had a big obsession with hunting bugs. he wanted to become a entomologist. this had helped inspire his later games for example pokemon. this is why i drew him in a forest with bugs around him. i wanted to portray his past but as visually attractive as possible so i thought that the best time to make this setting in is at night because i could use fire flies to show bugs and this made the picture more interesting.
i think that i should have worked on the pose of satoshi a bit more as the position of his head and neck doesn't look quite right. he was ment to be looking upwards at the bugs but this didn't quite work out      

in this second picture i was trying to represent another important part of
satoshi's life .

i had decide to draw the second design of ash ketchum because in the anime series that was created ash had different clothes for when he was growing up.
so in this picture i gave him the next design up from the first pictures design because
i wanted to show that he had grown up.

this part of his life was an important part as when he fist became interested
in games when he was a teenager. this was then the time when he first
became interested in games and started to design them from her onwards

the outcome of this picture was good but not as good as it could have been if i had spent more time on the background of this picture. i had made him be sitting at home because it was said that he used to skip school to play games. so when thinking of skipping school i always think of someone pretending to be ill. and that is the reason as to why he is at home. if i had more time then i would have drawn ash/ satoshi in a arcade instead.